Jun 3, 2022are you prepaired to receiving it all?The Torah;The ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE, ABUNDANCE, CERTAINTY, HEALTH, IMMORTALITY,was given thousands of years ago.ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE IT ALL?again; (look within)ARE YOU READY and WILLINGTo Receive?#shavuot2022..www.SarahTalmiHealing.comSarah@SarahTalmiHealing.com
The Torah;The ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE, ABUNDANCE, CERTAINTY, HEALTH, IMMORTALITY,was given thousands of years ago.ARE YOU READY TO RECEIVE IT ALL?again; (look within)ARE YOU READY and WILLINGTo Receive?#shavuot2022..www.SarahTalmiHealing.comSarah@SarahTalmiHealing.com