disempowering external influences. As I am reading and enjoying a few divine verses of the Zohar this morning... before I get to really study what is going on... a strong vibration and a loud message are going through my being: - You are going to leave the Zohar for a few minutes and put p a video message - you will be guided through as you go. The Zohar is out of this world fantastic, I feel and see this divinity of very supernal elevated Light ... from places beyond our capacity to reach... I am not sure what video I am supposed to put out but my attempts to study the verse a bit deeper so I understand more - are pushed by that "voice". Well, it's not a real "voice" but a stronger, louder call to act now, study later. - The video will help people strengthen their connection to their internal Light and guidance and weaken the distraction from without.
The video as was guided while filming is presented to you dear ones right here. A screenshot of the Zohar verse to scan is added in the comments.
Feel free and welcome to add your comments, questions, share your experiences.