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Y-O-S-E-F 💚 H-A-T-Z-A-D-I-K/ Joseph the Righteous

Y-O-S-E-F H-A-T-Z-A-D-I-K / Joseph the Righteous What? Why? Who? Why should I "worry about it"? Tonight begins the 24 hours window of the day a beautiful inside-out

soul has become so completely Light that the physical body, which in our world is the tool to bring our Light to creation - was becoming a limiting force for a soul that was over-expanding with blessings, Love, & Light. That gorgeous soul was Yosef HaTzadik a.k.a. Joseph the righteous - also k.a. "The Prince of Egypt" also k.a. "Joseph of the amazing technicolor Dreamcoat" Why should we "care" about that random fact? Because time is only an indication of an energy exchange taking place. And this gorgeous soul day of expanding beyond our physical, limited dimension is a day that this gorgeousness is being accessible to us!!! YES!!! Joseph, the gorgeous being of Light despite - or rather - thanks to the deep darkness it seemingly endured - is available and much closer to us starting tonight for the next 24 hours and if you really please - I'm sure he'll extend. Still, what does that mean? Why does it matter? Well, because - if he mastered seeing and deriving LIGHT from every event good or "bad" and if that means he mastered being Love, Light, Forgiveness, Abundance, Control, Here he is available for us to receive his supporting hand and guidance. What it means, is - we can ask for help in any area of his above-mentioned expertise!!! And who does not want to reach out to a master of success for help? One way to bring him closer to us is by lighting a candle and calling his name as we know it: Yosef HaTzadik / Joseph the Righteous, and 0 go for it - ask for what you feel can assist you. so the video was cut-off by my phone that falsely claimed no storage space... That must mean that this was all we were to draw for now.. And what re0enforces that knowing in me? Look at the length of the vid. 11:11 min.s Gott'a love it. We al know more is coming to help us get what we just downloaded and better connect to Yosef HaTzadik today and/or tomorrow! Happy Yosef HaTzadik grant my wishes day!

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